Here is how to disable avast antivirus on Windows 10 & Windows 11

Avast is one of the most popular antivirus which protect devices from viruses, malware and cyber threats. There are many other options as well. If you want to disable avast, this article will guide you.

disable Avast antivirus on Windows

Also Read : Do you need additional antivirus for Windows 11

How to disable Avast antivirus on Windows

  1. Open Avast antivirus and click on the Menu button.
  2. Go to Settings -> Protection -> Core shields.
  3. Toggle the switch next to core shields to disable the avast antivirus.
  4. That is it.


We do not recommend you to disable antivirus. Though Windows 11 and Windows 10 offer the free Microsoft defender which offer great security for free. You can check the detail here.

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