How to make a secret door in Minecraft

Hello Friends!! Minecraft secret door option is a popular trick that every minecraft user look for. Here we will guide you to create one in your gameplay.

How to make a secret door in Minecraft

Building Secret Door in Minecraft


  • Sticky pistons – 6
  • Building Blocks – 64
  • Redstone – 6
  • Levers – 2

Once you have the items, you can proceed.

Also Read : How to get free Minecraft on Android devices

Steps to Follow

  1. First create a new wall (Greater than 3X6) with a doorway in between.
  2. Now place 6 sticky pistons behind the door
  3. Create redstone wiring with a redstone repeater with a delay of three ticks.
  4. Place an outdoor lever for opening and closing of the door.
  5. That is it


Way to Add Secret Hidden Door in Minecraft

How to make a secret door in Minecraft
Steps 1 : Build a wall like this with a door in between
How to make a secret door in Minecraft 1
Step 2 : Assemble 6 pistons behind the door
How to make a secret door in Minecraft 3
Step 3 : Add the blocks for Redstone wiring now
How to make a secret door in Minecraft 4
Step 4 : Do the redstone wiring
How to make a secret door in Minecraft 5
Step 5 : Place the lever outside for opening and closing the door

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