Here is the way of resetting the google bar

How to reset the Google Bar

Here we will guide you to reset the Google bar to original settings. There can be any reason that the seach bar on your web browser changes to some other search engine. Also it is possible that you might have changes the looks and appearance of the search bar You can reset it back and enjoy the Google experience easily.

Here we will guide you to reset the Google bar to original settings. There can be any reason that the seach bar on your web browser changes to some other search engine. Also it is possible that you might have changes the looks and appearance of the search bar You can reset it back and enjoy the Google experience easily.

How to reset the Google Bar

Doing it is slightly different on different web browsers. Let us see the steps for the specific web browsers.

How to reset the Google Bar

On Android Phone

  1. First of all Go to your Android’s home screen & long press the empty area.
  2. Now, select Widgets from the menu on the bottom of your screen. 
  3. Scroll through the list of the widgets available until you find the Google Search bar. 
  4. Select the Google Search bar widget.

On Firefox

  1. Click the small arrow in the search bar.
  2. Select Google from the list.
  3. That is it, your default search engine will be set to Google now.

On Google Chrome

  1. Select the Settings option from the Chrome menu.
  2. Then change the default search engine to Google in the Search section of the page.
  3. That is it.

On Microsoft Edge

  1. First of all open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Now click Settings and more Settings and more and then Settings.
  3. Click Menu -> Privacy and Services.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Address bar.
  5. In the “Search engine used in the address bar” drop-down, select Google.
  6. That is it.

Also Read :

  1. Use any of your photograph and see which all websites are using it.
  2. CCleaner for Windows 11

Find out every detail about Furious Jumper Roblox

Furious Jumper Roblox

Furious Jumper is a popular game streamer that streams gameplay for multiple games. Roblox is one such streaming game from the content creator.

Cosa significa Furious Jumper Roblox?

“Furious jumper Roblox” will give access to all videos Youtuber has streamed online while playing Roblox games.

Here, without wasting time, we will quickly give you access to the videos and content.

Furthermore, we will provide you with some interesting information that will impress you.

Who is Furious Jumper?

Furious jumper is a popular game streamer and YouTube content creator that has millions of subscribers on the internet.

Here are some random facts about him:

  1. Furious jumper’s real name is Alexander.
  2. It has been active on Youtube since March 2012.
  3. His hometown is in France.
  4. Its content is unique and each video is different.
  5. Post videos every day and the channel is very active.

Read also: Roblox Parenthood Codes

Here are the famous Roblox videos

Here is the way to transfer Whatsapp chat from iPhone to Android 12 devices

transfer Whatsapp chat from iPhone to Android 12 devices

Whatsapp is available cross platform and if you are willing to move your Whatsapp data from one device to other, you can do it in minutes using the inbuilt features.

transfer Whatsapp chat from iPhone to Android 12 devices

Also Read : Why does Roblox tag ?

How to transfer Whatsapp chat from iPhone to Android 12 devices (Pixel 6 or Pixel pro)

  1. Connect iPhone to Android 12 device using usb to Lightning cable connector.
  2. Setup your Android device and open Whatsapp.
  3. Scan the QR code on iPhone.
  4. The complete chat conversations will be transferred to your Android 12 devices.

If you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below.

Also Read : Only way to corner clip in Roblox

Only way to corner clip in Roblox | All details (2022 Latest)

How to corner clip in Roblox

Roblox is one of the most popular gaming emulator which gets regular updates and fixes. There are few glitches which people use and have found based on their gameplay experiences. Corner clip is one such. Let us see how to do that.

How to corner clip in Roblox

Steps to corner clip in Roblox

  1. First of all, walk to corner in the third person.
  2. Now, press your face against the wall you want to clip through.
  3. Thereafter, point your camera as high up as you can go in the direction opposite of the corner.
  4. After that, hold S to make character trying to walk into the corner.
  5. Now, zoom-in going all the way into the first person so that your character quickly flips to facing the other direction.
  6. That is it.

This is the best method to do the corner clip in Roblox

Also Read : Master skin editor for Roblox

Video Tutorial

Check the details, info & way to download Master skin editor for Roblox

Master skin editor for Roblox

Whats up guys !! Master skin editor for Roblox will let the users to create clothes for their avatar without paying anything. Isn’t it great. You get a free to use application that is available cross platfor for building great Roblox avatars.

Master skin editor for Roblox
Master skin editor for Roblox

App Features

  1. Lets users create their own incredible skin!
  2. Create a bright design and the most stylish avatar!
  3. Free to use.
  4. No need to learn programming or coding.
  5. Lets users to create shirts, t-shirts, pants and clothing sets
  6. Works for both male & female avatars.
  7. Also has stickers & accessories.
  8. Contains lots of fabric textures to make your clothes look like real.
  9. Works with : iOS & Android

Download links :

  • iOS :
  • Android :

Available for

All the smartphone users across the world.

Also Read : Sandbox Roblox Extension 

Play Squid Game (PC, Laptop, Android, iOS devices) : Roblox launches Squid game

download & Play squid game

Hello Friends !! Hope you are doing good. Netflix series “Squid game” is getting highly popular amogst the audience worldwide. Meanwhile, you can also play the game on your devices. Let it be PC, laptop, mobile phone or any other smart device, you will be able to play the game.

Also Read : How to Reverse image search on iPhone

download & Play squid game

Steps to download & Play squid game

  1. Visit and download the setup or install the app.
  2. After download is completed, sign in to your Roblox account.
  3. Now search for “Fish Game” by Goodjuju.
  4. Click on play and enjoy 🙂

Compatible devices

  1. Windows Laptop & PC.
  2. MAC PC, Macbook.
  3. iOS devices (All iPhone models).
  4. Android devices.
  5. Playstation.
  6. Windows phones

If you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below.

Video Tutorial