CCleaner for Windows 11 : Download & Install (32 bit and 64 bit)

CCleaner for Windows 11

Hello Reader !! How are you. I hope you all are doing great. Windows 11 is the latest OS from Microsoft and people are loving it. Most of the users who are upgrading to Windows 11 are still searching for the softwares they are using since years. Here we guide you to get them officially.

CCleaner for Windows 11

Also Read : Try Norton Anitivirus for your Windows 11 computer or Laptop.

Steps to download & install CCleaner for Windows 11

  1. Click here to download the official CCleaner setup.
  2. Double click the installation file and follow on screen instructions.
  3. Launch the app once the installation completes.
  4. That is it. You can use CCleaner on your Microsoft Windows 11.

Compatible Devices : All PC, Laptops running of 32 bit or 64 bit Microsoft Windows 11.

If you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below.

Also Read :  Install Google chrome on Windows 11

How to get app store on School iPad

app store on School iPad

Hello Readers !! Welcome to our new article for School students. If your school has provided you Apple iPad, and you are looking to use App store, then you are at the right place.

app store on School iPad

Can you Get app store on School iPad

Unfortunately, you cannot get App store on School iPad without getting the restrictions revoked by the school authorities. Although there are many unofficial app stores which we do not recommend you to use as they will risk your privacy and hence they are not worth it.

If in case, you see any other website or a way that will help you get app store on School iPad, then do comment below.

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Also read : How to test internet speed on iPad?

Way to check & test internet connection speed on iPad

Way to check & test internet connection speed on iPad

iPad mini, 5, 6th gen, 7th gen, 8th gen are all fast to use. But internet connection speed also plays an important role in good user experience. So here we will see the best way to check internet connection speed on your Apple iPad.

Way to check & test internet connection speed on iPad

Steps to check internet connection speed on iPad

  • First launch Techcheater speed test.
  • Now click on “Run Speed test” button.
  • Wait for few seconds until Internet download speed and upload speed calculated values will be shown on screen.
  • That is it. Enjoy 🙂

How does it work

When you click the “Run Speed test” button, then multiple requests are sent to your device and in return your device send the acknowledgemennts. Our server algorithms check how fast the requests and acknowledgements are exchanged and calculates the upload & download speed of the connection.

Features of Techcheater speed test tool

  1. Free to use.
  2. Reliable and non manupilative data.
  3. Available without registration.
  4. No need to download. Works online.

Also Read : Download & install Microsoft edge on Windows 11

How to use OCR with Google drive & Google Docs

use OCR with Google drive

Optical Charecter Recognition is absolutely free to use with Google tools. Using Google drive and Docs, you can convert .JPEG, .PNG, .GIF, or PDF (multipage documents) files in readable forms.

use OCR with Google drive

Steps to use OCR with Google Drive & Google Docs

  1. Choose the file you want to apply OCR on.
  2. Go to official Google Drive website and upload the file.
  3. Now right click the uploaded file and select “Open with Google Docs.
  4. You will be able to see the text extracted in readable form.

Minimum requirements

  • Font and character set: For best results, use common fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Image quality: Sharp images with even lighting and clear contrasts work best.File size: The file should be 2 MB or less.
  • Resolution: Text should be at least 10 pixels high.
  • Orientation: Documents must be right-side up. If your image is facing the wrong way, rotate it before uploading it to Google Drive.
  • Languages: Google Drive will detect the language of the document. It supports all the major languages of the world.

Important – The feature is not available on Android or iOS right now. You can use the feature on Computers (Windows & MAC)

Also Read : Steps to download & install Google drive on Windows 11

Way of downloading & installing Google drive on Windows 11

Google drive on Windows 11

Using Google drive on Windows 11 PC & laptops is absolutely free and you can install it in few seconds. The setup will work on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows.

Google drive on Windows 11

Steps to download & install Google drive on Windows 11

  1. First download the Google Drive official setup(Click here)
  2. After download is completed, locate the setup & double click to begin installation.
  3. Follow the on screen instructions.
  4. Now provide your login credentials when asked for.
  5. That is it. You can access Google drive through normal folder.

Google drive lets users to store files on cloud storage. It is 100% safe and reliable. If you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below.

Also Read :

  1. Norton Antivirus for Windows 11
  2. Install Google chrome on Windows 11

Norton Antivirus for Windows 11 PC & Laptop – How to download & install it

Norton Antivirus for Windows 11

Microsoft has recently released Windows 11 which is available for its users. Most of the existing softwares are working and few are seeking an upgrade from the developers. Norton antivirus is one of such softwares for which people are looking for quick info.

Norton Antivirus for Windows 11

How to download & install Norton Antivirus for Windows 11

  • First download the official Norton antivirus setup.
  • Now locate the installation file and double click to begin installation.
  • Follow the onscreen instructions.
  • Enter the activation code (copy from your Norton account)
  • That is it.

The Anti virus will work on both Desktop and Laptop.

Also Read : Install Google chrome on Windows 11