How to fix Minecraft double tap everything issue

How to fix Minecraft double tap everything issue

Hello friends!! In last article we discussed what exactly is the error of double tapping everything on minecraft. You can read the details here.

How to fix Minecraft double tap everything issue

In this article, we will be looking for the solution of the problem. Let us see the steps.

Way to fix Minecraft double tap everything issue

  1. Go to settings -> Accessibility.
  2. Now Go to Enable UI Screen reader.
  3. Toggle the screen reader option to off.
  4. That is it. double tap issue is solved.

Important – If even after performing the above steps the problem is not solved, disable text to speech option of your smartphone.

If you have any questions, drop down your comments below.

Why do i have to double tap everything on Minecraft | Problem & solution

Why do i have to double tap everything on Minecraft

Minecraft is a very popular cross platform game that Is winning hearts worldwide. In this article we are not going to talk about game much rather we will limit our discussion to a common issue where player is forced to double tap everything.

Why do i have to double tap everything on Minecraft

Why do users have to double tap everything on Minecraft

The issue of double tapping everything on minecraft arises because of the contradictory on screen speech settings. Smartphones have feature of speaking up the content and if that is enabled the first click is the input to trigger speaking of screen text. The second tap works as an input to perform click function.

Also Read : How to fix double tap issue of Minecraft?

In case you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below. We will get back to you shortly.

How to get Neon Pet in Adopt me

How to get Neon Pet in Adopt me

Neon pet is a different collection the game Roblox Adopt me. Getting them is not that difficult. Let us show you how to do that.

How to get Neon Pet in Adopt me

Also Read: Roblox Logo Evolution

Way of getting Neon pets in Roblox Adopt me

  1. First of all, Get four pets of same type to full grown status.
  2. Now go to the Adoption island in the gameplay.
  3. Go to the bridge near the neighbourhood.
  4. Jump into the water and enter the door located in the middle area that will take you to a cave.
  5. Now after this you will find four different colored circles surrounding a white one. You need to take out one of the fully grown pets that you have and place it in one of the colored areas. Repeat this process until you have a pet in each of the four colored circles.
  6. That is it. The pets will combine to form a neon pet.


Before you proceed, you must keep in mind that you will lose the pet which you combine together to get the neon pet.

Getting Mega Neon Pet

Getting Mega Neon pets is very similar to a regular neon pet, you need to have four fully grown neon pets and combine them in the cave to create a mega neon pet! The growth stages of a neon pet are different than a regular pet though, here’s what they look like:

  • Reborn (Newborn)
  • Twinkle (Junior)
  • Sparkle (Pre Teen)
  • Flare (Teen)
  • Sunshine (Post Teen)
  • Luminous (Full Grown)

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Is Faravid Guilty in AC Valhalla

Is Faravid Guilty in AC Valhalla

AC Valhalla players are asking dailyabaout Faravid. Whether he is guilty or not. Is his act justifiable? Let us find out details.

Is Faravid Guilty in AC Valhalla

Is Faravid Guilty ?

As per Faravid’s action and dialogues in the end, it seems that Faravid did not intentionally killed Halfdan.

But Faravid comes around and accepts his fate. He is not worried if it will be death or exile.

The sayings of Halfdan story did not really reveal about Faravid’s behaviour. The end lets the users to think themselves and come to a conclusion.

So it is up to you what you want to think.

Also Read : Roblox Logo Evolution

Roblox Logo Evolution – How the Roblox logo has changed since beginning

Roblox Logo Evolution

Roblox has been user favorite since its launch. Logo of any company plays a significant role in making brand value of a product. Roblox logo has evolved since years and has contributed in its popularity.

Roblox Logo Evolution

Let us see how the Roblox logo has changed since its launch.

Also Read : Why does Roblox tag ?

Roblox Logo Evolution

Logo 1 (2002 – 2003) : Goblocks

Roblox was known as Goblocks in year 2003. The first logo was used just for 10 days.

Logo 2 (2003 – 2004) : Dynablocks.Beta

In December 2003, Goblocks was changed to Dynablocks. This was the time of Beta stage of Roblox emulator.

Logo 3 (2004) : Roblox beta

During the development process, the developers realised that Dynablocks will be tough name to remember. Hence they came up with the Roblox Beta. This was the time when Roblox was in mid stage of the development.

Logo 4 (2004-2005)

First time in history red color was introduced in Roblox Logo. It was a red border and white inner text.

Logo 5 (2005 – 2006)

It was slight improvement in the font of the Roblox. Color was red and white only.

Logo 6 (2006 – 2009)

The change in font was done for this logo. Color was red and white.

Logo 7 (2010 – 2015)

The logo design was same as that of 2006 – 2009 but the outline was made thicker than previous one. Tone of the color was changed to dark red.

Logo 8 (2015 – 2017)

Color was that of the last logo. Bold text was kept but was slightly made thin.

Logo 9 (2017 – 2018)

The logo was filled with red inside. There is a slight change in the font. The new logo looks dashing. You may see this logo at different places till date.

Logo 10 (2018 – present)

The red color is black now and the logo is appealing. It has the same font as that of previous one.

Roblox Egg hunt release date

Roblox Egg hunt release date

Roblox egg hunt event for the year 2021 is going to be one of the most popular Roblox gaming event. It continues for weeks. 12th Roblox egg hunt event will be live soon.

Roblox Egg hunt release date

What is Roblox egg hunt event

Roblox egg hunt event lets users to collect eggs during the gameplay. There will be different egg types available at different locations of the game. Users will collect them. Less available egg types will be difficult to collect.

Roblox egg hunt event Release date

Tentative Roblox egg hunt release date is from 12 April 2021 to 8 May 2021.


If you have any questions you can drop down your comments below. We will update the actual dates once they are confirmed.

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