How to fix error code 529 roblox vip server

How to fix error code 529 roblox vip server

Error 529 is another popular error code which will interupt regular Roblox gameplay. The best thing about Roblox is that if any problem occurs, it throws readable error codes, which users can search and find a way to fix it.

How to fix error code 529 roblox vip server

Let us see the solution for Error 529.

How to fix error code 529 of Roblox

1. Method 1 – Logout and Login again

If you get the error, you should try logging out and then logging again. Many a times, because of the software glitches this error comes. As soon as user logs out and logs in again, the error gets fixed.

If the problems is with the servers, you wont be able to login again. In that case you have to proceed with the second method.

2. Wait for the functional game servers

The next thing which you can do is that you should wait for some time and see if the servers start working again.If not, you can try connecting other private servers. Still, if the problem is not fixed, you should move to next solution.

3. Restart your device

Sometimes when error can not be identified, then restarting the device will work. When you restart your device, it initializes to the default values. Majority of the times it fixes the error. Still if you are unable to fix it, you should try the next method.

4. Inform the Game Developers

Still if the problems are not fixed, you can go to the support section and inform the developers. Just write down your concern. Most probably they will take seriously as such software issues might be experienced by other users as well.


I hope the above steps will fix your issues. Still if you face any problem, you can drop down your comments below.

All about adding emoji in TikTok username

emoji in TikTok username

TikTok is one of the most popular social media app where users create and share their unique content. Each user account has a unique username which other members can see and search on the platform. Let us see the details about TikTok usernames.

emoji in TikTok username

Also Read :

  1. How to make TikTok with multiple videos
  2. Way of changing age on TikTok profile

How to add emoji in TikTok username

TikTok does not allow adding emojis in username section. So, none of the user can show the cool looking emojis on their profile name. There is no way to bypass this.

Important – If you find any third party app or software claiming to help you with the same, just avoid it. That will definitely put your profile and other details at risk. Additionally, that will not work for sure.

If you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below.

How to get mysterious book in Roblox

How to get mysterious book in Roblox

Mysterious book is very popular in Roblox. Here in this article we will guide you to get one for yourself. Roblox is giving this book in “Ready play prize event”. Though there are 2 prizes which can be won, but here we will just talk about the mysterious book. Let us see below the steps and more details.

How to get mysterious book in Roblox

Getting Mysterious book in Roblox

In order to get Mysterious book :

  1. Open Roblox and Launch the event Ready player two hub prize event.
  2. Now search and join game “A Mys7erious Place
  3. As soon as you join the game, you will get a badge.
  4. Now go to Collections -> Accessories.
  5. You will get the Mysterious book with your account.

It is important to note that the prize is available in Ready play prize event. In case you have any questions, you can feel free to comment below. We will get back to you soon.

Also Read :

How to update Firefox on Linux

How to update Firefox on Linux

Firefox is one of the most popular web browser across the world. Mozilla Firefox is available for free installation for the users and it also offers free regular updates. Here we will guide you to update your browser to the latest version on Linux OS.

How to update Firefox on Linux

Update Firefox on Linux

1) On Ubuntu / Debian Linux

  • Open terminal on your device.
  • Type the following command :
    • $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install firefox
  • Firefox update will be installed.

2) On Fedora / Redhat / CentOS Linux

  • Open yum tool / GUI tool.
  • Type the following commands:
    • # yum update # yum update firefox
  • Firefox update will be installed.

Alternate method

Downloading the official setup and installing it is the easiest way to update your Firefox on Linux device. You can click here to download latest available browser and proceed with the software installation using below commands

# cd /opt
# mkdir firefox
# cd firefox
# cp / "downloaded package path" .
# tar -zxvf "downloaded package name"

How to delete Roblox Account (On All Devices – PC, Laptop, Mobile) : 2022 update

Hey friends !! I am sure you are loving Roblox experience, but in case you are not and you are willing to delete your Roblox account, here in this article i will guide you.

How to delete Roblox Account

Delete Roblox Account

If you want to delete your Roblox account, you can follow the below ways. They will work on PC, Laptop, mobile and all devices :

Method 1 : Email Roblox Customer Care

In order to delete your Roblox account, you can send the email at Mention in the email that you wish to delete the account.

Method 2 : Call Customer Support

Simply Call Roblox at 888-858-BLOX and request delete your account. You need to provide your basic details including email ID, phone number associated with the account. They will send details and steps on the email. You can follow the instructions and then delete your Roblox account.

Method 3 : Longer Inactivity on user account

Just keep your account idle for more than an year. Once the account is unoperated then it will be deleted.

Method 4 : Get your account Banned

This method is the wierdest of all, but is rather more enjoyable. You need to break the terms and conditons 3 times. When you get warning for 3 times, Roblox will deactivate your account.

Signing Off

In case you have any questions, you can drop down your comments below. We will get back to you soon.

What does afk mean in Roblox

What does afk mean in Roblox

I am playing Roblox since years now and i still learn the things now. There are many slangs and keywords which people use during the gameplay. One similar was the AFK. I researched on the internet about this cuz i was not aware and here is what i found.

What does afk mean in Roblox

AFK & Roblox

AFK in Roblox means “Away from Keyboard”. People use this when they are going away from the gameplay but are not closing it. It means they are going to be back. You can either wait for them or plan your gameplay in a way that they will be coming back.

There are many such stuff that i learn here. Roblox is not just the gameplay. It is a wonderful experience.

You can share your experiences in the below comment section.