How to add name pronunciation on Linkedin Profile

How to Show Name pronunciation on Linkedin Profile

Linked is a popular professional social community where people with users across the world. People of all different languages find it different to pronounce name of the people. So, to make it easy, linkedin has come with the feature to add your pronounciation on your profile. Let us now see the way to do it.

How to Show Name pronunciation on Linkedin Profile
Show Name pronunciation on Linkedin Profile

Way of adding Name Pronunciation in Linkedin profile

  1. Go to Linkedin Home page.
  2. Click on the profile button & then edit profile option.
  3. Now below your profile name. click on “Add name Pronunciation”.
  4. Allow Linkedin to record voice & proceed to speak your name.
  5. Confirm the recording & proceed to apply it for all Linkedin users.
  6. That’s it. Users will be able to hear your name pronunciation now.

Compatible Devices :

  1. iPhone (All Models).
  2. Android Phones (All models).
  3. Windows Computer & Laptops.
  4. Macbook (Pro & Air)
  5. iPad

If you have any questions, please drop down below in comments section.

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