How to drop stuff in Roblox

How to drop stuff in Roblox

Hello dear Roblox users. This quick tutorial will help you to free up your inventory. We will help you to drop some unnecessary stuff. Let us see how to do that.

How to drop stuff in Roblox
drop stuff in Roblox

The steps are different for Computers and mobile devices, let us focus on both.

If you want to drop any stuff in Roblox, then just hold the item and hit the backspace button of your keyboard. The item will be dropped off from your inventory. You can selectively chose the item which you want to get rid of and then proceed.

If you are using Roblox on your mobile device, then just open your bag and then hold and swipe away the item which you want to drop.

In case you have any questions, you can ask it below in the comments section.

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