If you are using MAC (Macbook or Macintosh) and you are looking to make your Lobrary folder vissible, then you are at the right place. This quick article will guide you to make your Library folder vissible in MAC.

By default the Library folder is not vissible. Do not worry about it. It is just a 5 second task to make it vissible. Let us see how !!
Making Library Folder Vissible in MAC
- Open Finder on your device.
- Now select the “Go” option from Menu.
- Now long press the “Option” key.
- You will see the “Library” option in the “Go” drop down menu.
- Select it to make your Library Folder vissible.
Once you close the folder then the Library folder will be invissble again.
To make “Library” folder vissible permanently, open “Finder“, Select “Go” and then “Go to Folder“. Type /Users and then drag drop the Home Icon to the Favorites Section. Now while keeping the Finder open, go to the View -> Show View Options -> Show Library Folder. That is it. Your Library Folder will be vissible permanently in your Mac Device now.