You can revert back to old Facebook layout by these simple steps

Facebook has changed the layout which changes the user views the FB content. If you are not satisfied with the new interface you can revert and get back to the old Facebook layout. The new layout is under test and Facebook is suggesting the use to the different users at different time.

How to Get back to Old Facebook

We also tried the newer layout but 90% of the staff here was more happy to use the older layout. We all reverted to the original old layout. Here are giivng you the steps to move back.

Steps to Get Back to Old Facebook Layout

  1. Open your Facebook profile and tap on the profile picture on top right side of the screen.
  2. From the drop down Menu, select the option to “Switch to Classic Facebook”.
  3. On the new pop up message enter the suggestion / feedback for the new layout.
  4. That is it. Your account will reload in older layout now.

When you hit the “Switch to classic FB” button, there is a toggle switch on the left side. If you do not wish to give the feedback, you can toggle it to off. But if you opt in for the feedback, you can chose to enter the feedback from the below options.

  1. Too slow to load
  2. Missing functionality
  3. I don’t like the appearance
  4. Difficult to learn
  5. Too difficult to use
  6. I can’t find things
  7. Other

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