How to make minecraft obsidian

You’ve started playing Minecraft and after exploring your world, crafting the initial tools and spending time in the mines, you want to do something even more challenging. Talking to your friends, or watching videos on the Internet, you’ve discovered that by continuing to play, you can build tables to enchant your equipment, or portals to go to the Nether: another infernal dimension in the Minecraft universe .

You soon realized, however, that to create these things you need a material that is not too common: obsidian , and you have no idea how to find it. What do you say? Did I get it right? Then don’t worry because in this guide I’m going to tell you exactly how to make Minecraft obsidian . From the simplest techniques to the most ingenious methods.

There’s nothing else to add, so take a few minutes of your time, sit back, relax and get ready to follow my instructions to be able to get all the obsidian you want for your portals or enchantment tables. Happy reading and, above all, have fun!

Preliminary information

Before I tell you exactly how to find or generate obsidian, it’s only fair that I explain all the necessary steps required to actually obtain it.

You should know that obsidian is the block with the most durability in the entire game. This makes it extremely resistant to being destroyed with any type of pickaxe that isn’t made from diamond. Therefore, in order to successfully mine obsidian blocks, you need a diamond pickaxe .

If you don’t have a diamond pickaxe it will be difficult to find obsidian as you will have to rely on finding it in chests. In the next paragraphs I will guide you in the various different ways that exist to be able to obtain obsidian with great simplicity.

How to generate obsidian

The easiest way to get hold of a good amount of obsidian is definitely through its generation. Not only is this method extremely simple, but it could also provide you with a disproportionate amount of obsidian by requiring a bucket of water as the only object (besides the always indispensable diamond pickaxe) . The latter is easily crafted with 3 iron ingots and filling it from a water source.

To generate obsidian, all you need to do is pour a bucket of water onto a lava source . For every block of lava source that will come into contact with water, one block of obsidian will correspond. Once done, all you have to do is use your diamond pickaxe to mine the obsidian blocks present.

Now you can safely build your own portal to the Nether, a table to enchant your equipment, or simply use obsidian as a decorative building block. In this regard, you might be interested in my article on how to decorate the Nether portal .

Where to find lava

Where to find lava

Now that you understand how to make obsidian in Minecraft, you find yourself in the situation of not having a source of lava large enough to get the obsidian you need at hand. How to do it then? Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the most common ways to get it.

First of all you must know that it is possible to find buckets of lava in chests scattered around the world , such as those of villages, abandoned mines, forest mansions, or even in dungeons that can be found underground.

However, to generate a large amount of obsidian it is much more effective to find a natural source that contains many blocks of lava. Such sources can be lava lakes , which can be randomly generated anywhere in the world above the coordinates Y=0 .

If you have no luck finding a lava lake near you, you may want to dig deep to find a reliable source of lava. In fact, in caves or canyons, lava blocks replace the air-filled blocks that form at a height between Y=-55 and Y=-63 . If you are looking for lava, therefore, I advise you to go down to that depth and look for it at that level of height.

Or, you may want to create a lava farm . Thanks to an important feature introduced in 1.16, lava is now no longer a limited resource and it is possible to farm it infinitely, even in the comfort of your home in Minecraft.

The resources that you will need to obtain before starting to make your own renewable lava farm are the following: a bucket of lava, some building blocks that are resistant to catching fire, such as stone pebbles, a cauldron and finally a sharp speleothem . easily obtained in caves.

Now that you have all the requirements to start building your infinite lava farm, start by placing blocks in a cross that is three blocks long. Now place one block on top of each end, and you should end up with an empty space in the middle.

Also Read : Fixing Minecraft double tap issue.

Use your lava bucket to place a lava block right in that central block. Below the lava block another block should be placed and directly below this you will need to place the pointed speleothem. In this way the lava will drip from the speleothem and flow into a cauldron that you will have to place exactly under it. The cauldron will automatically fill up over time, and you can use an empty bucket to fill it with lava whenever it fills up.

where to find lava for obsidian in minecraft

Also keep in mind that the lava farm is not only a great resource for easily obtaining obsidian by using it in combination with water, but it is also the most effective fuel for your furnaces  blast furnaces or smokehouses.

Where to find obsidian

where to find obsidian

In addition to being generated, obsidian can also be found in small quantities as an object in the chest, or obtainable through trade.

If you find yourself trapped in the Nether with the portal destroyed, for example, it might be a good idea to find piglins and trade gold with them to try and get some obsidian blocks in return. Or search the chests of the Fortresses to try your luck and find some obsidian and maybe even a tinderbox.

If you want, you can even get 4 blocks of obsidian from spawning a Nether portal. In fact it is not required that the corners of the portal have to be in obsidian for its correct functioning, so you are free to break them and keep them for yourself.

Remember that in case you are playing in multiplayer, as long as there is a functioning portal left in one dimension, if a player were to use it, in the other dimension the portal will continue to generate automatically at no cost, even if it were to be destroyed: in this way it is You can get 14 blocks of obsidian by destroying a portal and automatically regenerating it when another player uses one connected from the other dimension.

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