How to migrate from Yahoo to Gmail account in easy steps

Gmail is one of the most popular email services across the world. Not just for the personal use, the service is trusted by professionals as well. Not just this, majority of the personal users have never paid a single penny to Google and that is why people seek a way to move out from their existing email account to the gmail one.

migrate from Yahoo to Gmail

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Migrating Yahoo to Gmail

In order to move your emails from Yahoo account to your Gmail account, follow the below steps :

  1. Open Gmail on your device and go to Settings.
  2. Now click Accounts and Import or the Accounts option.
  3. After that select Import mail and contacts to proceed further.
  4. Now enter your Yahoo mail credentials and move to the next step.
  5. Select / unselect the options : contacts, mail, future mails for next 30 days as per your need.
  6. Click on Start import and Google will migrate your Yahoo account to Gmail.


Once you migrate your account, we recommend you to keep your Yahoo account alive. Yahoo might allocate your existing email id to a new user once your account is deleted and the threshold time period is over. Just to avoid a situation of a possible security issue, we recommend you to keep your Yahoo account alive.

If in case you have any question, feel free to contact us anytime.

Also Read : How to share Google Drive files with non Gmail users.

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