How to play BedWars on Minecraft PC

After seeing some funny videos made by your favorite YouTuber, you have finally decided to purchase and install Minecraft , with the desire to play the popular mode called Bed Wars . However, you have not found any way to start such a game.

Well, here I will explain how to play BedWars on Minecraft PC : I will go into detail about both the procedure for joining the right server and the basic rules of the games. I will then not fail to show you all the relevant information relating to the various versions of the Mojang title.

Come on then: all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick instructions below. I can assure you that, in this way, you will be able to reach your goal in no time. Having said this, there is nothing left for me to do other than wish you happy reading and have fun!

Also Read : How to buy Minecraft.

Preliminary information

Preliminary information

Before going into detail about the procedure on how to play BedWars on Minecraft PC , I think you might be interested in knowing more about the general context.

Well, the Bed Wars mode is one of the most popular in Minecraft , but paradoxically it was not created by the game developers. In fact, it was the ingenuity of the Mojang title community that put together this interesting type of match. Minecraft enthusiasts have therefore created public servers where all those who want to spend time in this way can find themselves.

In short, there is no official solution for having fun with the Bed Wars mode, so you understand that it could be “interpreted” differently depending on who manages the virtual room in which you intend to play. Here I will focus mainly on the rules adopted by the most famous (and populated) server, that of Hypixel Studios Inc , available only for the Java edition of Minecraft . Just think that on 17 May 2019 it reached 15 million unique accesses. However, be aware that you may clearly encounter some discrepancies (don’t worry, though, if you have the Bedrock version of Minecraft available, given that during the tutorial there will also be an opportunity to refer to that context).

How to play BedWars on Minecraft PC

That said, within the aforementioned server, in Bed Wars mode players compete for control of what is defined by the community as Dreamscape : essentially, it refers to an imaginary landscape. The games involve teams of 1 to 4 players . The user’s task is to destroy the opponents’ beds , positioned on floating islands scattered around the map. Once a team’s bed has been destroyed, players belonging to that team can no longer return to life. The last survivor wins .

Players have the opportunity to upgrade their character by spending resources such as Gold Ingots , Iron Ingots , Diamonds and Emeralds , which can be obtained through their respective generators , placed in strategic points on the map. Gold Bars and Iron Bars are usually not very difficult to obtain, but everything changes when you have to reach the Diamond and Emerald generators before your opponents. In short, as you may have already guessed, the Bed Wars mode is very frenetic and, for this reason, it can be particularly fun.

How to play BedWars on Minecraft Java Edition

How to play BedWars on Minecraft Java Edition

How do you say? Can’t wait to start playing Bed Wars mode using the Java Edition version of Minecraft , the one that has been around the longest? No problem, I’ll explain how to do it right away.

Well, to enter a Bed Wars mode game on the most popular server, i.e. the one I showed you in the previous chapter , start Minecraft (selecting the most recent official version from the Minecraft Launcher ) and click on the Multiplayer button on the home screen.

A warning will appear on the screen that the online game is offered by third-party servers (as neither Mojang nor Microsoft manage this part of the experience): just press the Continue button to continue.

After that, press on the Add a server option at the bottom and enter Bed Wars as the server name and as the server address. Now, all you have to do is click on the Done button to save the changes. At this point, just press the Play icon that appears on the screen, next to the name of the server you entered.

How to play BedWars on Minecraft Java Edition 1'=

By doing so, you will enter the most popular server that also allows you to play Minecraft’s Bed Wars mode. Once the world loads, skip any welcome messages and start moving around with the directional arrows to see what other players are up to. Now, right click (holding the Game Menu object , i.e. the compass) and press on the bed icon (here you will also be shown the current number of players online : usually there is no shortage).

This way, you will enter the room dedicated to Bed Wars mode . On the left you will find a wall with the world ranking , while on the right there will be a wall with all the relevant information on this particular mode. On the right side of the screen, among other things, you can see your character’s level and all the relevant statistics .

To start a game, all you have to do is go to the center of the room, read the writing above the various characters “raised” with a support block, choose which type of Bed Wars you want to play (for example, Solo , Doubles , 3v3v3v3 , 4v4v4v4 , 4v4 or Voidless ) and click on your chosen character .

Finally, all you have to do is press on the bed icon that will appear in the center of the inventory. This will start the game and you will be able to play in Bed Wars mode . In short, I would say that you are ready to take action. At the beginning you may be thrown into a lobby and have to wait a few tens of seconds for the game to start. Once the game starts, you will find yourself in the middle of your room .

How to play BedWars on Minecraft Java Edition 2

Usually, at least in “classic” Solo mode, on the left there is the character called Item Shop , i.e. the merchant who can sell you objects to become stronger, while on the right there is the Solo Upgrades character , who can sell you armor and other upgrades. Clearly, you will need to have the right amount of Emeralds , Iron Ingots , Gold Ingots or Diamonds to purchase items from the two characters mentioned.

Emeralds, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots and Diamonds can be obtained through the generators present within the game. Right behind your character, there is usually an Iron Ingot and Gold Ingot generator . Units will continue to come out – grab as many as you can.

Then go to the Item Shop , press on the Blocks icon at the top and click on the blocks you want to purchase via Iron Ingots and Gold Ingots . Then, press on the sword icon (Melee) and purchase the weapon you think is best. Finally, click on the TNT (Utility) icon and buy the accessories you think are best (for example, the TNT itself). These are the essential categories, but the choice of equipment is up to you. Just outside the room, you will find your bed: you will have to defend the latter and try to destroy the enemy beds to win.

To get out of your “corner”, use the blocks you obtained previously and try to go towards the other players’ bases or move towards the emerald and diamond generators. Please remember: be careful not to fall or you will lose all the equipment you have built!

team eliminated

In any case, emerald generators are marked with a green block , while diamond generators are represented as blue blocks . The messages that appear on the screen will explain when the next units will be generated.

All you have to do, therefore, is to move in this way and try to destroy the enemy beds and be the last player alive to win. If your character is defeated, you will be able to move freely in the air and take a closer look at the rest of the game: just use the directional arrows and press the space bar twice to move, just as usually happens in Creative mode .

At the end of the match, you will be awarded experience points based on your performance. In short, now you have learned the basics of Bed Wars mode in Minecraft . Clearly, there are different maps and each game can have different outcomes (not to mention the question of the existence of different servers , even if the one indicated is the most popular). Furthermore, since this is a community-created mode , there could be changes at any moment. I therefore invite you to take the instructions in this post as purely indicative, even if those illustrated represent the classic rules of the Bed Wars mode, as understood by many players.

How to play BedWars in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

How to play BedWars in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Going beyond the possibilities relating to the Java edition of Minecraft , I think it is right to also provide you with some quick information regarding the Bedrock version of the game. In fact, I remind you that the latter is available for Windows 11 and Windows 10 PCs , as well as that it is managed differently than the Java edition. To be clear, in this case there is no Hypixel server , so you necessarily have to aim for some slightly less well-known virtual room.

To do this, once you have started the Bedrock edition of Minecraft on your computer (if you don’t know which version of Minecraft for PC you are using, read my dedicated tutorial), press on the Play option and then move to the Server tab , present in top right. Once you reach the latter, you will find the Add server option at the bottom : after pressing on the latter and making the message reminding you to connect only to servers you trust disappear by pressing the Proceed button , you will be able to enter the data of the server .

In this case, one room I managed to find is the Lifeboat one (you might want to check out the TopG website to find more, as clearly the situation is constantly updating and these servers could even be shut down at any moment or not have players). To access the latter, type Bed Wars as the server name, while it is necessary to enter as the address. Instead, you can easily leave 19132 as the door used, subsequently clicking on the Play button to enter the virtual room involved.

Furthermore, you may also be asked to press on the Proceed item , given that the classic pop-up may appear on the screen reminding you to be careful because you are still accessing third-party content . Furthermore, sometimes you may need to download additional packages containing resources necessary to properly enjoy the experience offered by the server in question. In this case, to continue you may also need to click on Download and join . Perfect, you are now inside Lifeboat .

So move your character to see a little of the world linked to the virtual room. At this point, holding the Navigator object (the compass) in your hand, right click to make the relevant menu appear on the screen. Therefore, once you have selected the Selector Mini-Game option, you will have the possibility to select the BedWars box . You will therefore be quickly introduced to the mode, which is essentially the one I have already explained to you previously, but then you will be able to choose the type of game using the appropriate boxes on the right .

References are made to Solo , Duos , Quads or Chaos Mode . Among other things, if you have doubts about everything, you might also be interested in taking advantage of the option at the bottom, namely How to play . The latter, in fact, will quickly show you how to play. For the rest, once the mode has been selected , your character will be teleported to the lobby and the game will begin in a few seconds. The way to play is completely similar to what has already been illustrated previously, except that here everything is a little quicker and you may encounter some slight divergences (but by playing you will understand what I am referring to).

For the rest, if you are interested in learning more about the issue, considering the fact that the Bedrock version of Minecraft is also the one present on consoles and mobile devices , you might like to take a look at my tutorial on how to play BedWars on Minecraft PE . Finally, since you are interested in Minecraft, I recommend you take a look at the page on my site dedicated to the Mojang title , where you can find countless guides regarding the latter.

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