How to fix lag on roblox Chromebook

After months or years of use it is normal to see bugs or slowdowns on our Chromebook, here is a series of simple tricks to put into practice to enhance Roblox Gameplay on Chromebook.

Even if they struggle to find space in our latitudes, Chromebooks seem to be among the few computers that have not experienced a crisis (at least on a global level). Among the favorite PCs of university students around the world, Chromebooks are characterized by an overall low list price (if you ask yourself which low-cost laptop to buy , the answer could be a Chromebook ) and good performance. And in both cases the credit goes to ChromeOS , the open source operating system developed by Google engineers.

Possible reasons why you are facing lag while playing Roblox Games on Chromebook

Slow laptop , regardless of manufacturer, operating system or model, is always a nightmare for users. The constant bugs, slowdowns or unjustified blocks make it impossible not only to work with the Chromebook but also difficult to enjoy ourselves with films on demand or video games. Just like other laptops, Chromebooks also start to become slower for specific reasons. For example, the accumulation over time of junk files , documents, photos and videos begins to burden the memory and make the device slower.

But too many unused and installed applications or the many browser extensions that we forgot to delete can also cause incompatibilities and continuous slowdowns. The good news is that speeding up a Chromebook really is a breeze. This is an operation that even a user with very little specific knowledge can do without problems. Here’s in detail how to clean up our Chromebook and make it as snappy as the first day we bought it.

Use the Task Manager to figure out what’s wrong

Just like a classic Windows computer, laptops running Chrome OS also have a built-in task manager . This tool offers a detailed report of what your system is doing and the computer’s performance when we open applications or surf the web. If we have noticed incompatibilities, bugs or sudden freezes on some programs over time, this is the starting point from which to start observing to understand what is wrong with our Chromebook .

Where is task manager in Chromebook? Very simple, we click on the Chrome menu button, then we go to the “More tools” menu and in the tab that appears we select the “Task Manager” option. The page will open with the report on the use of every single program installed on the laptop and more generally we will have a list of the performance of our Chromebook. You can sort each application by name, memory usage, CPU usage, and so on. First of all we check the apps that take up the most RAM memory (usually the ones responsible for the greatest slowdowns of the Chromebook) and then we check if there are any anomalies in the use of the CPU by the browser or other programs. Excessive CPU usageit could indicate incompatibilities between one or more programs or an attempted hacker attack in progress. If we want to have a hand in managing the Task Manager because we are not very familiar with IT, we can turn to the Cog application , which can be downloaded directly from the Chrome Web Store. This program will advise us on what to do in case of problems with the use of the RAM or CPU of our Chromebook.

Delete old apps and extensions

Most users have the bad habit of downloading lots of applications or browser extensions and then, even if they haven’t used them for a while, they leave them installed on their computer to take up memory space. A Chromebook, like any other laptop, with saturated internal memory will be a slow notebook and will open even the lightest programs with a delay or will tend to have several blocks if we open more than one application at a time. So what to do? Simple, let’s take a look at all the apps or extensions we have installed over time and delete all those that seem useless to us. In a few minutes we will restore speed to our Chromebook.

Extensions to speed up your Chromebook

It’s true: installing many extensions can burden the operating system and make the laptop slow, but some are essential and should be installed. Among these we find The Great Suspender . This is a program that stops unused navigation tabs. If we work with the web it is normal to have a lot of tabs open at the same time. As long as these browsing tabs are open and running they are consuming system resources and slowing down your computer. The Great Suspender automatically puts cards into “sleep” mode after a certain period of inactivity, in order to remove them from RAM memory. To reload the tab simply click anywhere on the page that was inactive. Another extension that is almost a must have is AdBlock.With this extension we will automatically block the sites’ advertisements. Advertisements take up a lot of system resources and can slow down your device. So, by blocking ads, you can easily prevent your system from bogging down.

Be careful with storage space

Not all Chromebooks have very large internal storage . There are also models with just 16GB of internal memory. Once the limit is reached, our laptop will be really slow and will tend to crash continuously. And to reach 16GB, just a few programs installed. So what to do? First we delete not only apps and extensions but also files and documents that we no longer need to recover some space and we archive photos and videos in cloud services , so as not to have to delete them and at the same time not to take up space on the Chromebook. Alternatively we can buy an external microSD cardto add to our Chromebook to increase its memory. For a few tens of euros we can buy ones with storage capacity between 64GB and 128GB.

Perform a factory reset

If you’ve tried absolutely everything and your Chromebook still seems really slow, a last resort might be powerwashing . This is an action to completely clean up your machine which brings it back to factory settings. The classic factory reset that exists on practically all notebooks in the world. The only thing to remember is to make a backup first to save photos, apps, documents and videos. Because as the name itself says, powerwashrestore the Chromebook to the state it was when we bought it and delete everything else. To Powerwash your Chromebook, access the Chrome OS Settings menu, scroll to the bottom of the page and then click on “Advanced”. On the advanced settings page at the bottom we will find the “Reset settings” item, click on it and in the tab that opens select the “Powerwash” option. We confirm that we are ready for the reset and wait for the process to complete.

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